Prince William supervisors markup session IMG_2796.JPG

Members of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, from left: Board Chair Deshundra Jefferson, Kenny Boddye, Bob Weir and Andrea Bailey, discuss raising taxes on data centers and other issues during their budget "mark up session" Tuesday, April 16.

IMG_2794.jpg Supervisor Yesli Vega with poster data center taxes

Coles District Supervisor Yesli Vega displays a poster showing the results of her survey about data center tax rates. More than 2,000 respondents favor raising data centers’ tax rate, she said. Vega is flanked by Supervisor Margaret Franklin, left, and Board Chair Deshundra Jefferson, right. 

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(2) comments


Agree! I have never seen the Board as united or as empowered. This is what inclusive and thus effective leadership looks like.


Last night’s Board of County Supervisors meeting was the most encouraging in memory. There was a distinct citizen-centric focus to the comments from the dais as every supervisor’s discussion on the 2025 budget was couched in concern for citizen priorities and pocketbooks. It was as refreshing as it was surprising.

Thanks to Chair Deshundra Jefferson and our Board of County Supervisors for heeding the public outcry and raising the data center tax rate to its maximum permissible level. Their action sends an important signal that wealthy corporations will be subject to the same rules as citizens and small businesses.

The Board then followed-up with a corresponding reduction in the real estate tax rate, thereby delivering on a promise that had been a cynical tease for the last four years.

I give principal credit to our new Chair for the remarkable makeover. There is a more conciliatory tone that enables free exchange of ideas and reasonable compromises. But I also credit the other supervisors for wisely following her lead and steering the BOCS back in the right direction.

We’ve given the BOCS enough heat when they get it wrong, so let’s thank them when they get it right. Let the new Board know they’re on the right track at:

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