Payments from Herring for Delegate - Charniele

14 payments totalling $706:

Amount Date Description
$353 3/20/2023 Filing Fee
$-353 5/5/2021 Refund of Filing Fee
$353 3/10/2021 Filing Fee
$-353 5/14/2019 refund of primary filing fee
$353 3/9/2019 Filing Fee
$-353 4/18/2017 Refund of filing fee due to no primary
$353 3/6/2017 Filing Fee
$353 3/11/2015 Filing Fee
$-353 12/16/2014 Refund of Filing Fee
$-100 12/18/2013 Return of Yard Sign Deposit
$100 9/16/2013 Political Sign Bond
$353 3/28/2013 Filing Fee
$100 9/9/2009 Political Sign Bond
$-100 7/21/2009 Sign Bond Reimbursement