Payments from Bulova for Delegate - David

19 payments totalling $2,111:

Amount Date Description
$-353 4/26/2021 Refund of Filing Fee
$353 3/10/2021 Filing Fee
$-353 4/19/2019 Refund of Fairfax County Filing Fee
$353 3/18/2019 Filing Fee
$-353 4/1/2017 Refund of Primary Filing Fee
$353 3/22/2017 Primary Filing Fee
$-353 4/27/2015 Refund of filing fee..unopposed in primary election
$353 3/24/2015 Filing Fee
$-353 4/22/2013 Refund of Filing Fee
$353 3/27/2013 Filing Fee
$-100 11/16/2011 Refund of Bond Fee for Election Signs
$-100 11/16/2011 Refund of Bond Fee for Election Signs
$5 8/29/2011 Yard Sign Processing Fee
$100 8/29/2011 Bond for Election SIgns
$-353 7/15/2011 Refund of Filing Fee
$353 6/13/2011 Filing Fee
$353 6/13/2011 Filing Fee
$1,500 5/24/2006 Advertising
$353 4/9/2005 Filing Fee