Majority Strategies

Payments from Stewart for Lt Governor - Corey

12 payments totalling $141,359:

Amount Date Description
$4,180 5/21/2013 advertising
$26,237 5/16/2013 mailers
$8,798 5/9/2013 mailings and postaage
$7,855 5/2/2013 mailings and postage
$13,724 5/1/2013 mailings and postage
$16,172 4/22/2013 #13116, #13118, #13113
$6,341 4/10/2013 printing, postage
$6,955 4/5/2013 printing, shipping
$7,880 4/2/2013 printing and postage
$38,872 2/26/2013 mailings, postage and shipping fees
$3,700 1/22/2013 palm cards
$645 5/7/2012 printing