by Brandon Jarvis

Former state Sen. Amanda Chase, R-Chesterfield, was in court Monday for an assault and battery charge after an altercation earlier this year at a local GOP event.

Chesterfield Republicans met in March to select new committee leaders, but a confrontation involving Chase became the main attraction. 

Chase was charged with assault and battery after a confrontation with Adaire Lazaro outside of the meeting.

Lazaro is the roommate of Shane Snavley, a former employee of Chase who has spent the last year releasing damning information about her to the public. 

In a video filmed by Lazaro, Chase is talking to Republicans waiting in line to vote. When Chase spots Lazaro filming her, she turns and tells her to stop. 

Next, Chase walks toward Lazaro and pushes the camera away. The video then ends.

On Monday, the judge handed down a deferred disposition to Chase, meaning the sentencing in the case will not take place for six months. Chase is to have no contact with Lazaro. The charges can be dismissed if the judge is satisfied with Chase’s behavior during that time.

Even though it was not an outright dismissal, Chase claimed victory in an email to her supporters.

“Today’s win in court was a huge relief, especially after watching the kangaroo courts handle President Trump’s legal proceedings,” she wrote.

By vascope