House of Delegates District 64

Leans Republican

Partisan Lean of HD64 voters

Based on 2021 Governor's Race
Results are based on estimated absentee votes.
The state Department of Elections does not publish results by state legislative district. VPAP has developed what it believes to be reasonable estimates for calcuating the results by legislative district. Methodology
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Republican Candidate
Glenn Youngkin
17,986 56.46%
Democrat Candidate
Terry McAuliffe
13,609 42.72%
Liberation Party Candidate
Princess Blanding
238 0.75%
Election-Day Ballots Mapped by Precinct
The results on this map are incomplete and do not include an estimated 9,627 early ballots.
0 to +20D
0 to +20R
Stafford County
Election Day Votes: 69.8%
Early In-Person Votes: 22.2%
Mail Ballots: 8.0%
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 17,986 56.46%
McAuliffe 13,609 42.72%
Blanding 238 0.75%
Estimated results for Stafford County.
Stafford County contains "split" precincts (*) for HD64. Explain
Stafford County set up ballots in November 2021 in a way that made it impossible to allocate absentee ballots back to precincts where voters live. That required VPAP to estimate how absentee votes were distributed in the portion of Stafford County that falls within HD64.

These are estimated results. Methodology
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 3,588 50.73%
McAuliffe 3,453 48.82%
Blanding 29 0.41%

These are estimated results. Methodology
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
McAuliffe 1,712 67.03%
Youngkin 799 31.28%
Blanding 40 1.57%
Disclaimer: Precinct results shown below include only ballots on Election Day and do not include early ballots, which generally are more heavily weighted with Democrats.

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 1,993 74.17%
McAuliffe 679 25.27%
Blanding 14 0.52%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 920 63.54%
McAuliffe 517 35.70%
Blanding 11 0.76%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 1,294 62.30%
McAuliffe 770 37.07%
Blanding 12 0.58%

This is a "split" precinct. Explain
Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 576 62.88%
McAuliffe 332 36.24%
Blanding 7 0.76%

This is a "split" precinct. Explain
Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 784 57.99%
McAuliffe 559 41.35%
Blanding 8 0.59%

This is a "split" precinct. Explain
Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 906 77.84%
McAuliffe 248 21.31%
Blanding 8 0.69%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 1,143 65.39%
McAuliffe 594 33.98%
Blanding 9 0.51%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 605 59.78%
McAuliffe 393 38.83%
Blanding 13 1.28%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
McAuliffe 882 54.78%
Youngkin 709 44.04%
Blanding 19 1.18%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 1,249 66.26%
McAuliffe 619 32.84%
Blanding 16 0.85%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 715 60.08%
McAuliffe 465 39.08%
Blanding 9 0.76%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 1,108 53.14%
McAuliffe 954 45.76%
Blanding 22 1.06%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
McAuliffe 635 53.01%
Youngkin 557 46.49%
Blanding 5 0.42%

Results limited to in-person votes cast on Election-Day.
Candidate Votes Percent Reporting
Youngkin 1,040 56.06%
McAuliffe 797 42.96%
Blanding 16 0.86%
In order to calculate the number of votes within each precinct split between two or more districts, VPAP uses the proportion of voters within that portion of the precinct, which is provided by locality registrars on a monthly basis. If voter registration data is unavailable, for example when redistricting occurs, then VPAP will use the proportion of voting age population within that portion of the precinct, calculated using Census block-level data.